path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 4093c00..3f60222 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -23,20 +23,19 @@ WK adds a on-the-fly cheatsheet.
* Xah Lee Flykeys
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
- (use-package xah-fly-keys
- :config
- (xah-fly-keys-set-layout "qwerty")
- (xah-fly-keys 1)
- (define-key xah-fly-command-map (kbd "SPC i o") 'consult-bookmark)
- (define-key xah-fly-command-map (kbd "SPC i f") 'consult-find)
- (define-key xah-fly-command-map (kbd "SPC i F") 'find-file)
- (define-key xah-fly-command-map (kbd "SPC i g") 'consult-ripgrep)
-(load-file "~/.emacs.d/ext/xah-fk-org.el")
- )
+ ;; (use-package xah-fly-keys
+ ;; :config
+ ;; (xah-fly-keys-set-layout "qwerty")
+ ;; (xah-fly-keys 1)
+ ;;
+ ;; (define-key xah-fly-command-map (kbd "SPC i o") 'consult-bookmark)
+ ;; (define-key xah-fly-command-map (kbd "SPC i f") 'consult-find)
+ ;; (define-key xah-fly-command-map (kbd "SPC i F") 'find-file)
+ ;; (define-key xah-fly-command-map (kbd "SPC i g") 'consult-ripgrep)
+ ;; (
+ ;; load-file "~/.emacs.d/ext/xah-fk-org.el")
+ ;; )
@@ -46,10 +45,82 @@ Avy is a quick jump-to-place package.
I use it in a very basic way.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
- (use-package avy
- :after xah-fly-keys
+ ;; (use-package avy
+ ;; :ensure t)
+ ;; :after xah-fly-keys
+ ;; :config
+ ;; (define-key xah-fly-command-map (kbd "-") 'avy-goto-char-timer)
+ ;; )
+* VI keys
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (use-package evil
+ :ensure t
+ :init
+ :config
+ (evil-mode 1))
+ (use-package general
+ :ensure t
- (define-key xah-fly-command-map (kbd "-") 'avy-goto-char-timer)
- )
+ (general-evil-setup))
+ (elpaca-wait)
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(use-package fzf
+ :config
+ (setq fzf/args "-x --color bw --print-query --margin=1,0 --no-hscroll"
+ fzf/executable "fzf"
+ fzf/git-grep-args "-i --line-number %s"
+ ;; command used for `fzf-grep-*` functions
+ ;; example usage for ripgrep:
+ ;; fzf/grep-command "rg --no-heading -nH"
+ fzf/grep-command "grep -nrH"
+ ;; If nil, the fzf buffer will appear at the top of the window
+ fzf/position-bottom t
+ fzf/window-height 15))
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (general-create-definer my-leader-def
+ :keymaps 'override
+ :prefix "SPC"
+ :states '(normal motion emacs))
+ ;; Git
+ (my-leader-def "g" 'magit)
+ ;; Navigation
+ (my-leader-def "io" 'consult-bookmark)
+ (my-leader-def "ib" 'bookmark-set)
+ (my-leader-def "if" 'fzf-git-files)
+ (my-leader-def "ig" 'fzf-grep-dwim-with-narrowing)
+ ;; (define-key xah-fly-command-map (kbd "SPC i o") 'consult-bookmark)
+ ;; (define-key xah-fly-command-map (kbd "SPC i f") 'consult-find)
+ ;; (define-key xah-fly-command-map (kbd "SPC i F") 'find-file)
+ ;; (define-key xah-fly-command-map (kbd "SPC i g") 'consult-ripgrep)
+ ;; Email
+ (my-leader-def "mm" 'notmuch)
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ :keymaps 'override
+ "C-h" 'evil-window-left
+ "C-l" 'evil-window-right
+ "C-k" 'evil-window-up
+ "C-j" 'evil-window-down
+ "C-x h" 'previous-buffer
+ "C-x l" 'next-buffer)
+ :keymaps 'evil-window-map
+ "x" 'kill-buffer-and-window
+ "d" 'kill-current-buffer)