path: root/
diff options
authorUser Mms <mms@voyager.local>2024-10-30 23:11:54 +0100
committerUser Mms <mms@voyager.local>2024-10-30 23:11:54 +0100
commitadfcac49f7d1e14f5635e6e5443833a78cdf4e2a (patch)
tree80f8d85dddd9dc31c21730b8b6bd6a9d3ff13c98 /
parentf50c5240edf959f14c84b895cc8e64d38ba414ab (diff)
feat: elfeed-summary & rss-mode
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 11fc32b..95ed6a2 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ Elfeed is the single best RSS reader for Emacs and of the best out there.
* Elfeed-protocol
+I use =miniflux= as the RSS reader, but I read it in emacs.
+Therefore, miniflux is just my sync engine.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package elfeed-protocol
:ensure t
@@ -54,26 +57,41 @@ Elfeed is the single best RSS reader for Emacs and of the best out there.
-* Elfeed-org
-I want to manage my subscription as org subtree - makes it easier to make sense of it.
-Lucky, elfeed-org does exact this!
-You can read my intro to elfeed org [[][on my website.]]
+** Elfeed summary
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
- ;; (use-package elfeed-org
- ;; :after elfeed
- ;; :ensure t
- ;; :config
- ;; (setq rmh-elfeed-org-files (list "~/.emacs.d/"))
- ;; (elfeed-org))
+ (use-package elfeed-summary
+ :ensure t
+ :after elfeed
+ :config
+ (setq elfeed-summary-settings
+ '((group (:title . "Blogs [love]")
+ (:elements
+ (search
+ (:filter . " @3-months-ago")
+ (:title . "Rubenerd")))
+ (search
+ (:filter . " @3-months-ago")
+ (:title . "Crys Site"))
+ )
+ (group (:title . "FOSS [projects]")
+ :elements
+ (query . "aaa"))
+ (group (:title . "Miscellaneous")
+ (:elements
+ (group
+ (:title . "Searches")
+ (:elements
+ (search
+ (:filter . "@6-months-ago")
+ (:title . "Recent"))
+ (search
+ (:filter . "+star")
+ (:title . "Check later"))))
+ )))
+ ))
-And some keybindings
-I also don't need line numbers when reading RSS item
* Youtube
YT is a sad state of the web.
@@ -104,6 +122,21 @@ I want to use it inside emacs
("C-c C-w" . elfeed-tube-mpv-where)))
+* RSS mode
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (defun mms-rss-mode()
+ "use this instance of Emacs for RSS"
+ (interactive)
+ (setq mms-bright-theme 'ef-cyprus
+ mms-dark-theme 'ef-bio)
+ (mms-dark-room-mode)
+ (elfeed-update)
+ (elfeed-summary)
+ )
* Subscriptions :elfeed:
** Blogs :blog:
*** [[][Gideon Wolfe]]