path: root/content-org
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2 files changed, 121 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/content-org/ b/content-org/
index 7ecea57..6e448d3 100644
--- a/content-org/
+++ b/content-org/
@@ -64,6 +64,10 @@ Images are made to add additional value to the text, not to make it load slower.
Love you, Drew!
+** Archive and Wiki
+** Timothy Cain on Capitalism
** DONE Modern gaming on FreeBSD, first attempt
CLOSED: [2024-10-03 Thu 21:04]
diff --git a/content-org/ b/content-org/
index 0c105fe..befd23c 100644
--- a/content-org/
+++ b/content-org/
@@ -98,13 +98,14 @@ Jenway, challenged
* Voyager reviews
+:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :image_dir "images" :image_max_width 575
** Season 5
:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :hasNavSection st-voy-episodes
-:EXPORT_HUGO_MENU: :menu star-trek :parent voy-r-s5
+:EXPORT_HUGO_MENU: :menu star-trek :parent voyA
*** DONE Star Trek: Voyager 05x01 - Night
CLOSED: [2023-02-12 wed 23:00]
@@ -1344,3 +1345,117 @@ Meh.
Looks like Alien, plays like Man Behind The Sun.
+** Season 6
+:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :hasNavSection st-voy-episodes
+:EXPORT_HUGO_MENU: :menu star-trek :parent voy
+*** DONE Star Trek: Voyager 06x01 - Equinox (part 2)
+CLOSED: [2024-10-04 Fri 20:17]
+:EXPORT_FILE_NAME: 06x01-equinox-part-1
+:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :abstract My mini review
+The conclusion to [[/voy/05x26-equinox-part-1/][last season's cliffhanger.]]
+**** Impression
+I truly hated the first part of this two-parter.
+It represented everything I don't want on my Trek: humanity being what they are, not what they can be.
+/Part II/ starts just as miserable.
+Everyone is armed, and there are fights everywhere.
+Yep, not a great outlook at that point.
+But with each passing scene we gain more and more of hope.
+Jenway is, once again, put in a position no other Trek captain has ever seen.
+She is, without a shroud of doubt, the toughest captain of all the Treks I've seen before.
+Sisco may have committed a genocide, but it was much less personal.
+Jenway is forced to make the hardest decisions about people she knows.
+Lucky for her, Checkotay is here as her consciousness.
+He may not add much more to the crew, but I'll be damned if this wasn't enough.
+If it wasn't for him, Voyager would be as evil as the crew of Equinox.
+On the other side of the war, Doctor is torturing Seven.
+I found this plot to be as exciting as the primary one, but much more interesting.
+Doctor, who we all grew to love, who developed personality and, dare I say it? Humanity, is still a simulation.
+Everything he /is/, can be removed within a blink of an eye by resetting his program.
+And this is what we get here - after he is taken aboard Equinox, he is stripped of everything that made him /The/ Doctor.
+His relation with Seven of Nine is thrown out the window when he is forced to extract information from her using a scalpel.
+It ended well, but can we still treat the Doctor as a person?
+I hope authors will revisit this problem.
+Lastly, we've got the redemption of the Equinox crew.
+This is what I found the most important, as this is what keeps me watching Star Trek.
+No one is /evil/ for the sake of being evil, but the conditions we find ourselves in force us to act, not how we would like.
+But, deep inside, we are /good/ creatures.
+As much as I hated /Part 1/, the complete /Equinox/ is nothing short of amazing.
+It is saved by the latter half, as without it, we would have some Expanse (which I found to be a disgusting series).
+I was afraid that /Voyager/ may have reached the point, where authors would abandon everything they've built since the 1960s.
+I am happy to report that this was not the case.
+**** Doctor factor
+Well, I didn't like Doctor in this episode, but it made it so much more interesting.
+One of the greatest Doctor factors yet!
+#+attr_shortcode: :file voy6x01a.jpg
+#+attr_shortcode: :alt Jewnway looking angrily at an officer
+#+attr_shortcode: :class centered
+#+attr_shortcode: :source
+Seconds before a bad decision
+*** DONE Star Trek: Voyager 06x02 Survival Instinct
+CLOSED: [2024-10-05 Sat 09:27]
+:EXPORT_FILE_NAME: 06x02-survival-instinct
+:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :abstract My mini review
+Voyager docks at Markonian Outpost Space Station, a place welcoming everyone and every idea.
+Seven finds, among those people, three of her old acquaintances.
+**** Impressions
+At first, I was expecting /Star Trek/ to continue ripping of /Babylon 5/, since they haven't finished the job with /DS9/.
+Luckily, the episode quickly went its own way.
+Seven's relation to Borg is one of the main returning plots, but very rarely we hear about the experiences of other ex-drones.
+It's even rarer to see it done well.
+/TNG/ tried it with Third of Nine, but let's face it - authors were still learning how to handle such subjects.
+Their skills had yet to reach the level of their ambition.
+We meet three other ex-drones from Seven's Unimatrix.
+Their disconnect from the Collective was done much less effectively than what the Doctor has done to Seven.
+They were disconnected from other drones, but not from themselves.
+It's an interesting idea.
+We've got three individuals who are forced to live like Drones, since all their thoughts are transmitted between them.
+What I didn't like was the other aspect of their story.
+We are learning about a mission of this Unimatrix, where most of the drones started developing individuality.
+There is a mystery, as all they remember is waking on the Borg Ship after being /individuals/ for a brief moment, but no one knows why.
+Finally, we learn it was Seven acting in the best interest of the Collective.
+She acted against their Unimatrix, but this is not developed enough.
+We learn it, everyone is angry at her, but that's all.
+What *is* interesting is the stark contrast with last episode: she forgives Doctor for torturing her, they never forgive her.
+They are far more developed as individual persons (despite the link), and this is what allowed them to feel hate.
+All in all, another good episode but it lacks something /extra/, to make it great.
+And Naomi is always welcome!
+Survival is insufficient
+--- Seven of Nine
+**** Doctor Factor