diff options
3 files changed, 426 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/assets/more/bookmarks.yml b/assets/more/bookmarks.yml
index a140773..3440e54 100644
--- a/assets/more/bookmarks.yml
+++ b/assets/more/bookmarks.yml
@@ -61,3 +61,7 @@ bookmarks:
title: The 88x31 GIF Collection
date: '2024-11-26'
+- url:
+ title: Coffee at Highest Price in 47 years - Slashdot
+ date: '2024-11-28'
+ host:
diff --git a/content-org/ b/content-org/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef5f456
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content-org/
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+#+TITLE: Unix history#+AUTHOR: MichaƂ Sapka
+#+STARTUP: show2levels indent logdone
+#+HUGO_BASE_DIR: ~/ghq/
+#+HUGO_WEIGHT: auto
+#+HUGO_SECTION: projects
+* Chotto :@projects:
+:EXPORT_HUGO_SECTION: projects/finger
+** DONE Finger
+CLOSED: [2024-11-13 Wed 00:10]
+:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :abstract A different type of social network
+*** Fingersoc
+Status: DRAFT
+**** Introduction
+<name> is a uni-directional, distributed, read-only social network.
+***** Name
+The inspiration comes from the =finger= protocol, where users of Unix systems could =finger(1)= other users to get some basic information aboout them.
+<name> tries to take that idea and allow it's usage in modern, interconnected internet.
+***** Requirement
+This memo follows the standard requirements of an RFC.
+To quite the RFC1288:
+ In this document, the words that are used to define the significance
+ of each particular requirement are capitalized. These words are:
+ * "MUST"
+ This word or the adjective "REQUIRED" means that the item is an
+ absolute requirement of the specification.
+ * "SHOULD"
+ This word or the adjective "RECOMMENDED" means that there may
+ exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore this
+ item, but the full implications should be understood and the case
+ carefully weighed before choosing a different course.
+ * "MAY"
+ This word or the adjective "OPTIONAL" means that this item is
+ truly optional. One vendor may choose to include the item because
+ a particular marketplace requires it or because it enhances the
+ product, for example; another vendor may omit the same item.
+ An implementation is not compliant if it fails to satisfy one or more
+ of the MUST requirements. An implementation that satisfies all the
+ MUST and all the SHOULD requirements is said to be "unconditionally
+ compliant"; one that satisfies all the MUST requirements but not all
+ the SHOULD requirements is said to be "conditionally compliant".
+**** Use of <name>
+To use <name>, you need to understand three words:
+*Publisher* - he who publishes information on the <name>
+*Reader* - a human reading information published by a publisher.
+*Client* - a computer program for reading data on the <name> and presenting it to a reader.
+***** Publisher
+A published MAY be, either a human, or an automated process.
+Each published NEEDS to be able to publish files under URL accessible via HTTP(s).
+A publisher MAY be able to to it under any URL, be it either via manually updating files or with use of some automated process.
+A publisher SHOULD have a dedicated URL, like
+***** Reader
+Any person with
+a) access to a finger URL
+b) knowlege of a finger URL
+is able to read data on the finger - either manually or with the use or a Client
+***** Client
+Client MAY be any program which understands the <name> protocol, is able to make HTTP calls, and presents the data to Reader.
+***** Publishing on <name>
+To publish on the <finger>, user NEEDS to expose a
+1. single metadata file
+2. zero or more text files
+All of those files NEED be accessible via HTTP, HTTPS, or both.
+****** Metadata file
+Metadata file is used to advertise being a Publisher.
+It's a structured file (<format>), which exposed information needed for a Reader to follow a Publisher.
+The metadata file SHOULD be named ".fingrsoc.toml" (TBD), but user may decide on other name but it NEEDS to start with a dot "." and end with "toml".
+The metadata file MUST contain basic information
+- name if publisher
+- prefered form of contact
+The matadata file MAY contain references to any additional files:
+- the name
+- the full URL
+ Example:
+ #+begin_src toml
+ [metadata]
+.... todo
+ [files]
+ #+end_src
+There should be reason for changing the Metadata file
+****** Text files
+The actual reader data is contained within text files.
+The text files are not a timeline, but rather a snapshot.
+Publishers are discoureged from creating archives but this is not forbidden.
+A publisher MUST publish at leat a ".plan" file.
+All files SHOULD be stored under the same path as the Metadata file, but any URL can be provided in the Metadata files list.
+A text file MUST BE
+- UTF-8 encoded
+- LR line breaked
+- realitively small (think kilobytes, not megabytes)
+each line of file MUST be max 80 characters in length.
+Note, that the files can contain graphical formatting (spaces, /, _).
+The files are plain text, so there is no way to attach multimedia, or any executable code.
+Note, that Publisher MAY attach URL of such.
+The ".plan" files SHOULD contain current information about the Publisher, but the exact content is up to the Publisher's will.
+Jokes, ASCII art, thoughts are highly encouraged.
+Note, that ".plan" file MAY be present in the metadata file, but if it follows naming convetion (.plan file under the same root dir as the metadata file) it's not necessary.
+Publisher MAY publish any sensible (up to dozens) of other files, but each filename MUST start with a dot "." and not have any extension.
+Exact contents of such files is not normalyzed, and should be reflected in the "name" field of Metadata file.
+Each file SHOULD include creation and/or update date.
+***** Reading
+****** Advertising
+Publishers are encouraged to let others know about their Metadata file.
+The actual URL of the Metadata file is the only thing needed.
+The exact method of advertising is not defined, but it MUST point to the metadata URL.
+Publishers who own webpages, MAY add a custom meta tag:
+#+begin_src html
+<meta name="fingersoc" content="URL">
+****** Clients
+A client MUST accept either
+a) the URL of metadata file
+b) the URL of any webpge. If the meta tag is present, the client MUST fetch and process it.
+Upon fetching of Metadata file, client MUST present the Reader with the name from the file.
+Only the .plan file MUST be fetched after the metadata.
+The content of .plan SHOULD be presented to Reader as representastion of a Publisher, so if the Client provides following multiple Publishers, upon selecting on of those, the .plan MUST be presented automatically.
+Client MAY auto-download fresh files.
+Note, that files SHOULD contain dates, the client is unable to determine if the file changed based on that information.
+Only change of the actual file (sha, contents...) MUST be treated as update of file.
diff --git a/content/projects/finger/ b/content/projects/finger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ffee25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/projects/finger/
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+title = "Finger"
+author = ["User Mms"]
+date = 2024-11-13T00:10:00+01:00
+categories = ["projects"]
+draft = false
+weight = 2001
+abstract = "A different type of social network"
+## Fingersoc {#fingersoc}
+Status: DRAFT
+### Introduction {#introduction}
+&lt;name&gt; is a uni-directional, distributed, read-only social network.
+#### Name {#name}
+The inspiration comes from the `finger` protocol, where users of Unix systems could `finger(1)` other users to get some basic information aboout them.
+&lt;name&gt; tries to take that idea and allow it's usage in modern, interconnected internet.
+#### Requirement {#requirement}
+This memo follows the standard requirements of an RFC.
+To quite the RFC1288:
+> In this document, the words that are used to define the significance
+> of each particular requirement are capitalized. These words are:
+> - "MUST"
+> This word or the adjective "REQUIRED" means that the item is an
+> absolute requirement of the specification.
+> - "SHOULD"
+> This word or the adjective "RECOMMENDED" means that there may
+> exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore this
+> item, but the full implications should be understood and the case
+> carefully weighed before choosing a different course.
+> - "MAY"
+> This word or the adjective "OPTIONAL" means that this item is
+> truly optional. One vendor may choose to include the item because
+> a particular marketplace requires it or because it enhances the
+> product, for example; another vendor may omit the same item.
+> An implementation is not compliant if it fails to satisfy one or more
+> of the MUST requirements. An implementation that satisfies all the
+> MUST and all the SHOULD requirements is said to be "unconditionally
+> compliant"; one that satisfies all the MUST requirements but not all
+> the SHOULD requirements is said to be "conditionally compliant".
+### Use of &lt;name&gt; {#use-of-name}
+To use &lt;name&gt;, you need to understand three words:
+**Publisher** - he who publishes information on the &lt;name&gt;
+**Reader** - a human reading information published by a publisher.
+**Client** - a computer program for reading data on the &lt;name&gt; and presenting it to a reader.
+#### Publisher {#publisher}
+A published MAY be, either a human, or an automated process.
+Each published NEEDS to be able to publish files under URL accessible via HTTP(s).
+A publisher MAY be able to to it under any URL, be it either via manually updating files or with use of some automated process.
+A publisher SHOULD have a dedicated URL, like
+#### Reader {#reader}
+Any person with
+a) access to a finger URL
+b) knowlege of a finger URL
+is able to read data on the finger - either manually or with the use or a Client
+#### Client {#client}
+Client MAY be any program which understands the &lt;name&gt; protocol, is able to make HTTP calls, and presents the data to Reader.
+#### Publishing on &lt;name&gt; {#publishing-on-name}
+To publish on the &lt;finger&gt;, user NEEDS to expose a
+1. single metadata file
+2. zero or more text files
+All of those files NEED be accessible via HTTP, HTTPS, or both.
+- Metadata file
+ Metadata file is used to advertise being a Publisher.
+ It's a structured file (&lt;format&gt;), which exposed information needed for a Reader to follow a Publisher.
+ The metadata file SHOULD be named ".fingrsoc.toml" (TBD), but user may decide on other name but it NEEDS to start with a dot "." and end with "toml".
+ The metadata file MUST contain basic information
+ - name if publisher
+ - prefered form of contact
+ The matadata file MAY contain references to any additional files:
+ - the name
+ - the full URL
+ Example:
+ ```toml
+ [metadata]
+ .... todo
+ [files]
+ ```
+ There should be reason for changing the Metadata file
+- Text files
+ The actual reader data is contained within text files.
+ The text files are not a timeline, but rather a snapshot.
+ Publishers are discoureged from creating archives but this is not forbidden.
+ A publisher MUST publish at leat a ".plan" file.
+ All files SHOULD be stored under the same path as the Metadata file, but any URL can be provided in the Metadata files list.
+ A text file MUST BE
+ - UTF-8 encoded
+ - LR line breaked
+ - realitively small (think kilobytes, not megabytes)
+ each line of file MUST be max 80 characters in length.
+ Note, that the files can contain graphical formatting (spaces, /, \_).
+ The files are plain text, so there is no way to attach multimedia, or any executable code.
+ Note, that Publisher MAY attach URL of such.
+ The ".plan" files SHOULD contain current information about the Publisher, but the exact content is up to the Publisher's will.
+ Jokes, ASCII art, thoughts are highly encouraged.
+ Note, that ".plan" file MAY be present in the metadata file, but if it follows naming convetion (.plan file under the same root dir as the metadata file) it's not necessary.
+ Publisher MAY publish any sensible (up to dozens) of other files, but each filename MUST start with a dot "." and not have any extension.
+ Exact contents of such files is not normalyzed, and should be reflected in the "name" field of Metadata file.
+ Each file SHOULD include creation and/or update date.
+#### Reading {#reading}
+- Advertising
+ Publishers are encouraged to let others know about their Metadata file.
+ The actual URL of the Metadata file is the only thing needed.
+ The exact method of advertising is not defined, but it MUST point to the metadata URL.
+ Publishers who own webpages, MAY add a custom meta tag:
+ ```html
+ <meta name="fingersoc" content="URL">
+ ```
+- Clients
+ A client MUST accept either
+ a) the URL of metadata file
+ b) the URL of any webpge. If the meta tag is present, the client MUST fetch and process it.
+ Upon fetching of Metadata file, client MUST present the Reader with the name from the file.
+ Only the .plan file MUST be fetched after the metadata.
+ The content of .plan SHOULD be presented to Reader as representastion of a Publisher, so if the Client provides following multiple Publishers, upon selecting on of those, the .plan MUST be presented automatically.
+ Client MAY auto-download fresh files.
+ Note, that files SHOULD contain dates, the client is unable to determine if the file changed based on that information.
+ Only change of the actual file (sha, contents...) MUST be treated as update of file.