+++ title = "Star Trek: Voyager 05x09 - Thirty Days" author = ["MichaƂ Sapka"] date = 2023-12-22T23:19:00+01:00 categories = ["update", "st-update"] draft = false weight = 3009 hasNavSection = "st-voy-episodes" abstract = "A good Paris episode" menu_item_override = 9 episode_id = "5x09" [menu] [menu.star-trek] weight = 3009 identifier = "star-trek-voyager-05x09-thirty-days" parent = "voy-r-s5" +++ We start where it ends: Paris is locked in Voyager's brig, locked for 30 days. A really welcome narrative mechanism! The entire episode is a retelling of the story of how he got there. In a series of flashbacks we learn about on ocean planet on the brink of doom and of Paris, who yet again disobeys orders to follow his call of ethics. ## Impressions {#impressions} Paris should have been a much more interesting character. He is to be the cool guy in the crew[^kim]. Handsome, intelligent, rebel. But as most of Voyager's crew, the writers somehow fall short of those expectations. [^kim]: but, deep inside, we all know that Kim is the coolest. This is one of the few episodes where they succeed. Yes, the start is over the top. Kim and Paris are on a double date in the holodeck where they pretend to be in a 50s SciFi flick - with superpowers and mad scientists. I am fully aware the Star Trek is a direct descendant of those shows. But I had never watched them[^twilight], and, at the same time, I am so tired of Marvel, so I didn't enjoy it. There has to be some nostalgia (even misplaced) to like this sort of things. And yes, I am watching a 30-year-old show, thank you for noticing. [^twilight]: except for few episodes of Twilight Zone. I will **need** to return here, as they were amazing {{< img-c "star-trek-voyager-thirty-days-1.jpg" "https://voy.trekcore.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=177&page=3" >}} Complete with black and white filter {{< /img-c >}} I also found Paris dressed up as a sea captain a but goofy. But they are FINALLY letting the characters have fun. Last time it was not Moriarty level of fun, and this time it's still not. But finally something nice is happening and are witnessing it. Most of goofy scenes up to recently were strictly Neelix centered, but what we needed was exactly this. I am always happy when we to know the crew outside their duty, as this is (always) my primary issue with the show. Bring back the fun! As for the primary plot, I also enjoyed it. Not loved it, but it was very enjoyable. Paris refusing orders from Jenway was, at the same, expected, and thrilling. What Chakotay fails at, Paris delivers. We've got one character on the entire crew who is not afraid to go against his captain's if it means following his instinct. This is not a must-see episode, but what is, is one of those where you start valuing the show more. Paris is cool, end of story. And, once again, the CGI is breathtaking. {{< img-c "star-trek-voyager-thirty-days-2.jpg" "https://voy.trekcore.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=177&page=3" >}} We deserve more underwater SciFi shows. {{< /img-c >}} ## Doctor factor {#doctor-factor} Unsatisfactory