--- title: "Crew of The Next Generation" category: - star-trek - st-tng abstract: The crew of USS Enterprise during TNG date: 2023-11-17T21:18:18+01:00 draft: false --- The greatest thing about serving aboard Enterprise-D was the crew. I loved each and every one of them. They felt like friends, like family. What helped to create that bond was the free time activities I could witness. Picard's Shakespearean's performances; Riker's concerts; Data's poetry readings. Even in the grimmest of circumstances, everyone remained professional and human. This is what I miss the most in recent stories, the human part. This is the greatest crew of I have ever met. ### Captain Jean-Luc Picard {{}} Picard was 51 when he became the captain of USS Enterprise. His age surely helped him at the command, but also made it more difficult to deal with the crew Enterprise-D was created in time of relative peace, so it was not a warship. It was designed to accommodate entire families and so the crew was living with their children. And if there are two things Picard could not stand, one of those were children. He kept a clear line between himself and his crewmates. Yes, he bonded, and the bond changed him - but he was the commander, so his will would always need to be final. This is why he allowed the rest of the crew to spend time together but without him - they needed to rely on each other as mates, but the commander can not become one. This made him a bit of loner, always skipping late night poker games. The deck was his entire world. Picard is a born diplomat, always ready to create peace instead of conflict - be it when dealing with the crew or with treats. ### Commander William T. Riker ### Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge ### Lieutenant Tasha Yar ### Lieutenant Worf ### Doctor Beverly Crusher ### Commander Deanna Troi ### Commander Data {{}} ### Starfleet Cadet Wesley Crusher