+++ title = "Contact" author = ["MichaƂ Sapka"] date = 2023-11-21T23:06:00+01:00 categories = ["more"] draft = false weight = 1004 abstract = "How to contact me" aliases = ["/contact/", "/me/contact/", "/blog/contact/"] image_dir = "more/images" image_max_width = 600 +++ ## Contact {#contact} --- Hey. My name is Michal. You can contact me via email: [contact@sapka.me](mailto:contact@michal.sapka.me) Note, that at this moment I am not interested in a new job, a cross-promo offer nor in penis enlargement. You can also find me on: {{< contact-table >}} noop {{< /contact-table >}} --- ### GPG keys {#gpg-keys} At this moment: none. I'll have new one soon. Now, just to make it secure enough, not to loose it again... Log: - 2024-11-21: key **72AC6E152B4D98DE4CEF2CDA7E97D88147ED66E7** lost together with revoke key. - 2023-11-30: key **72AC6E152B4D98DE4CEF2CDA7E97D88147ED66E7** created