+++ title = "Watch YouTube with Yeetube and mpv" author = ["MichaƂ Sapka"] date = 2024-02-23T16:16:00+01:00 categories = ["emacs"] draft = false weight = 3003 image_dir = "emacs" image_max_width = 480 primary_menu = "cool-emacs-ways" abstract = "Let's use YouTube from the comfort of Emacs" aliases = ["/emacs/watching-youtube-with-emacs/", "/cool-emacs/watch-youtube"] [menu] [menu.cool-emacs-ways] weight = 3003 identifier = "watch-youtube-with-yeetube-and-mpv" +++ I may hate YouTube as a service, but I even I can't deny the quality of vlogs there. Even though I would strongly prefer to follow folks on PeerTube or Odysee, this will not happen anytime soon for most of the channels. Luckily, with the popularity of YouTube comes quite a few ways to use it in a better way ## Yeetube {#yeetube} _Yeetube_[^fn:1] is an Emacs wrapper around searching and viewing videos on Youtube. The watching part happens via `mpv`[^fn:2]. You simply pass the video link (not the page) in the shell and `mpv` will handle the rest. _Yeetube_ handles everything _before_ we have the actual file, and running `mpv`. First, let's install it: ```emacs-lisp (use-package yeetube) ``` And, assuming `mpv` is already installed, you are ready to go. Run `yeetube-search`, type in whatever you want and press enter. A table with top results will show up. Now, select the one that interests you, run `yeetube-play`, wait a few seconds and mpv window will show. {{< image class="centered" alt="An Emacs screenshot showing a list using a dark mode" file="emacs-yeetube-search.png" >}} Yeetube search for Emacs Elements {{< /image >}} {{< image class="centered" alt="A screenshot of a DWM windows manager. Left of the screen is ocupied by MPV, the right one with Emacs." file="emacs-yeetube-play.png" >}} mpv playing a movie next to Emacs with Yeetube search. {{< /image >}} _Yeetube_ also supports downloading videos via `yt-dl` and saving videos for future reference. My full config, with evil keybindings looks like: ```emacs-lisp (use-package yeetube :general (:states 'normal :keymaps 'yeetube-mode-map "RET" 'yeetube-play "d" 'yeetube-download-video "b" 'yeetube-play-saved-video "B" 'yeetube-save-video "x" 'yeetube-remove-saved-video "/" 'yeetube-search "0" 'yeetube-toggle-video )) ``` Note that this comes with no ads, and less tracking, but also less revenue to the creator. Being a patron is a good way to feel better about it. ## Link handler {#link-handler} This is nice, but we can make it _extra-nice_. I subscribe to quite a few YouTube channels via RSS[^fn:3] and want to use _Yeetube_ fast. We can write a very simple _elisp_ function: ```emacs-lisp (defun mms-open-yt-under-point () (interactive) (setq url (thing-at-point 'url)) (string-match "youtube.com" url) ``` Now, move the pointer on a YT[^fn:4] link and call this function. _Yeetube_ interface will open, so just play the top result. My (current) full function in use is: ```emacs-lisp (defun mms-open-link-under-point () (interactive) (let (url (thing-at-point 'url)) (cond ((string-match "youtube.com" url) (yeetube-search url)) (t (eww url))) )) ``` So it will use `eww` for anything that is not a YT link, and I can expand it further whenever I want. Then, just add a simple keyboard navigation, and you're done ```emacs-lisp (mms-leader-keys "RET RET" '(lambda () (interactive) (mms-open-link-under-point) :wk "follow link")) ``` ## Errata {#errata} 2024-02-26: Dave pointed me that using `let` inside custom method is preferable to `setq` [^fn:1]: ["yeetube | Emacs Front-End for YouTube"](https://thanosapollo.org/post/yeetube/) blog post from the author [^fn:2]: [mpv official website](https://mpv.io/) [^fn:3]: The secret URL: `https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=`. You can find the channel ID using different online services, as it is not as straight forward as it should be. [^fn:4]: Only if the package registers itself as a provider for `thing-at-point`. In Elfeed it will for main item URL, but not for items embedded in the body. We need to use `eww` to open the page and we can get the URL from there.