+++ title = "History of BSD and Unix" author = ["MichaƂ Sapka"] date = 2024-04-08T09:37:00+02:00 draft = false weight = 2001 primary_menu = "bsd" abstract = "the long and turbolent history" [menu] [menu.bsd] weight = 2001 identifier = "history-of-bsd-and-unix" post = " from Multics to OpenBSD" +++ Does computer history have any real appliance? Not really. Does it explain certain, potentially baffling things? Certainly. But does it make great beer talk? Absolutely! Especially when discussing systems with such rich history as BSD. I will be gentle here, I promise. No _Hardcore History_ in sight. {{< menu "bsd-history" >}} History of BSD {{< /menu >}}