+++ title = "User Friendly, daily" author = ["MichaƂ Sapka"] date = 2024-06-25T16:56:00+02:00 categories = ["blog"] draft = false weight = 2002 image_dir = "blog/images" image_max_width = 600 abstract = "Experience User Friendly like it's 1998" +++ For some time I've been hosting a mirror of [User Friendly](https://michal.sapka.me/userfriendly/) comic. You can jump in and read it all - it's still amazing. But this is not how we experienced it _back in the day_. [Karl](https://emacs.ch/@publicvoit@graz.social/112642904850023592) proposed a way to read get one comic per day. We've been testing if for a few days, and it's working. There are now dedicated RSS feeds with UF as if started in a given year. Each day, if on the given day there was a new strip, it will be added. You can start reading from 2023, catch up to **today**, and then get one new comic daily. You can find the [RSS feeds here.](https://michal.sapka.me/userfriendly-daily/) The files are named based on simulated start year, so "2022" assumes the first comic was released on 2022-11-17. There are services that may send you the comic to mail, but I don't use those. Each item has embedded <img> tag, so no need to click anything. If this made you smile (like it did for me), you can [buy me a Ko-fi](https://ko-fi.com/mmspl). {{< image class="centered" alt="A black and white comic. Two male characters talk about Quake." file="userfriendly-1.gif" >}} The first User Friendly {{< /image >}}