+++ title = "Sports ruin everything" author = ["Michał Sapka"] date = 2024-07-14T19:06:00+02:00 categories = ["blog"] draft = false weight = 2002 image_dir = "blog/images" image_max_width = 600 abstract = "One short word to ruin everything" +++ > George: If it's not about sports, I find it very hard to concentrate. > > Jerry: You're not very bright, are you? > > George: No I'm not. I would like to be, but I'm not. > > -- Seinfeld, S06E05 - The Couch If there is one word I absolutely despise, it's _sport_. If it's sports, then I'm out. It's not that I dislike physical activity. I find it boring, dull, and depressing — but I don't hate it. It's what we need to do, not to die to young. But sports? Adding sports to anything worsens it. Be it running, kicking a soccer ball, chess, or computer games. If you add competition, scores, the idea that someone is _better_ at it, it all falls apart. When I was a kid, it was always the same. We were having a great time, just goofing around. "OK, now it's for real. Zero to zero, you start". And boom, just like that. All enjoyment is gone. I think there are three types of people here: - those who hate competition - those who can still appreciate the fun ignoring the competition - those who live for the competition. Coincidentally, this is very much correlates with how much I will hate being around such a person. And sports read their ugly heads out of everything, not only _games_. We've got competitive cooking, programming, excel. I find no joy in such things. I love programming, but I would never do it to be _better_ at it than someone else. I liked multiplayer games which were focused on having fun (think late 1999), but nowadays you need to specialize at them to have any fun. Damn you, e-sports! So yeah. Sports ruin everything for me.