+++ title = "Run Your Own Mail Server" author = ["MichaƂ Sapka"] date = 2024-05-20T21:46:00+02:00 categories = ["blog"] draft = false weight = 2001 abstract = "There's a new tech book on the horrizon!" +++ I am a fan of Michael W. Lucas's writing. Someday I'll even read some of his fiction, but now I squeal just thinking of his tech books. You may find my review of some of his works on this site: [Absolute Freebsd](https://michal.sapka.me/blog/2024/absolute-freebsd/) and [ZFS Mastery.](https://michal.sapka.me/blog/2023/zfs-mastery/) A few months ago I supported his work on a book called _Run Your Own Email Server_, because of course I'd love to! And guess what? There's a [Kickstarter](https://michal.sapka.me/blog/2023/zfs-mastery/) for it now. Great chance to back it. I've flipped through the review copy (as all supporters got a digital copy), and the contents floored me. Can't wait for the final version, so I can complicate my life even more. {{< img-c "ryoem-paint.jpg" >}} As always, cover is amazing. {{< /img-c >}} My pen pal (I have a pen pal), Jeff, had a chance to meat Michael Lucas in Las Vegas a few weeks ago. It seems, that he is as cool and wholesome live as he seems to be. Backing him makes me happy, even if I ignore the quality of his books.