+++ title = "Ruben's Retro Corner" author = ["MichaƂ Sapka"] date = 2024-08-31T19:11:00+02:00 categories = ["blog"] draft = false weight = 2001 image_dir = "blog/images" image_max_width = 600 abstract = "A site" image = "blog/images/ruben-retro-corner.png" +++ There are not many sites I visit for the _feeling good inc_. I would if there were more! But then, there's [Ruben's Retro Corner](http://retro.rubenerd.com/). It as old school as it gets, and it gives me the joy I had when I first discovered the web. I don't go there for the content (which is cool), but for that smile it brings to my face each and every time. The fact, that it's written in human-readable HTML 3 is just a cherry on the top. I understand that the web is not like this any more, it was ruined. It's not marketable, it's not a data gathering machine. But this is why it makes me so happy. It's a tiny site that has only one reason to exist - Ruben's love for his old stuff. The love and happiness is pouring out of every pixel here! {{< image class="centered" alt="screenshot of a site." file="ruben-retro-corner.png" >}} Site by Ruben Schade. First version 1998. {{< /image >}}