+++ title = "Links for week #01" author = ["MichaƂ Sapka"] date = 2024-01-03T18:12:00+01:00 categories = ["blog"] draft = false weight = 2004 abstract = "Cool links from week 01 of 2024" +++ It's the New Year, so here are some cool links I've stumbled upon recently: - ****[The Web Renaissance Takes Off](https://www.anildash.com/2024/01/03/human-web-renaissance/)**** - Maybe the web is not lost? A very short opinion piece. - ****[Remember when Mozilla made a web browser?](https://www.jwz.org/blog/2023/12/remember-when-mozilla-made-a-web-browser/)**** - I use Firefox, I promote Firefox, and I am very sad to have to agree with author - ****[Things are about to get a lot worse for Generative AI](https://garymarcus.substack.com/p/things-are-about-to-get-a-lot-worse)**** - Guess who got caught training on and recreating copyrighted content? Spoiler: it's AI - ****[The IDEs we had 30 years ago... and we lost](https://blogsystem5.substack.com/p/the-ides-we-had-30-years-ago-and)**** - A cool, short article on IDEs of the past and how little have they progressed - ****[They Want You To Forget What A Film Looks Like](https://aftermath.site/true-lies-4k-uhd-blu-ray-james-cameron-peter-jackson-park-road-post)**** - jump from VHS to DVD was huge; from DVD to HD big; from HD to 4k was incremental at best. In this article we explore a few recent upscales and how bad they are. Spoiler: it's AI But, most importantly, The Weaver published TWO new articles on computer history: - [First Operating System -- Part Two](http://wovenmemories.net/2023/12/30/First.Operating.System_Part.2.html) - [Subroutines](http://wovenmemories.net/2024/01/02/Subroutines.html)