+++ title = "Having fun with website: new Brain Rots" author = ["MichaƂ Sapka"] date = 2024-05-26T18:59:00+02:00 categories = ["blog"] draft = false weight = 2001 abstract = "The coolest places out there" +++ As you may have noticed, [Brain Rots](/brain-rot/) now rock a very stylish look. Retro, some may say. Midlife crisis, others will scream. Cool, I'll reply. {{< img-c "brot-2.jpg" >}} Yup, it looks like sites looked 30 years ago, when I first became a cyber-citizen. Funny, how mobile-friendly such designs are. {{< /img-c >}} I stopped thinking about this site as a _blog_, and instead I consider a hub of different things which interest _me_. The first period of sapka.me was a blog, but now I am closer to [Cyber Vanguard.](https://cyber.dabamos.de/) I've already noticed that there are things that are best served as blog, but those things are not everything. There's also the evergreen texts; the longer pieces. Those deserve a dedicated train of thought, and therefore being split by publish date would be disservice. I have to admit to toying with the idea behind the site more than with the site itself. But wasn't it always the point? This site is trying to sell me; I don't write articles about what would interest a headhunter. It's place I love to tinker with. It's fun, because computers should be fun! Technically, it's still part if my Hugo site, just with dedicated layout. I'd move it to a separate project, but that would break the combined RSS feed. There will be more such changes here soon.