+++ title = "The Email Project" author = ["MichaƂ Sapka"] date = 2024-01-03T18:26:00+01:00 categories = ["blog"] draft = false weight = 2003 abstract = "This year I want to rely on Email even more!" +++ I have no resolutions for 2024, as the last ones were dropped long before December. There is however one thing I wanted to do for a long time: to rely on Email more. So my project for 2024 is as simple as sending email. I will not use any other means (sigh, social media) to reach people I want to contact. Instead, I will use plain, old email. Last year one person (won't name publicly due to respect and privacy) emailed me, and we've been exchanging messages since then. It was the surprise of the year and I met a person I would never have a chance otherwise. I would like it to happen more, as this is a great growth experience. I'm not leaving [Mastodon](https://emacs.ch/@mms), but I will not approach people using it. Furthermore, I'd love to leave Discord and Messenger, but folks there are pretty stubborn :)