--- title: 'Links for week #49. Everything is terrible edition.' category: - blog abstract: Some links I fond interesting date: 2023-12-10T22:06:48+02:00 draft: false --- (yes, this is the first linkblog post. But it's the 49th week of 2023). Cool links I have stumbled upon this week. They don't paint a pretty picture, but hey. At least we have first look at GTA VI and a great article about computer history. - [Firefox on the brink?](https://www.brycewray.com/posts/2023/11/firefox-brink/) - seems that we are destined for coroporate-controlled web. Firefox, the one browser which has Web's well-being in mind is loosing usage share. - [GTA VI trailer](https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2023/12/grand-theft-auto-vi-trailer-confirms-many-things-including-its-florida-vibes/) - in case you missed it. Things look very interesting. - [Mastodon](https://social.hackerspace.pl/@q3k/111528162462505087) thread about hacking Newag trains PLC. Turns out the producer remotely locks the trains to get money for maintenance. - [Carmakers Push Forward With Plans To Make Basic Features Subscription Services](https://www.techdirt.com/2023/12/05/carmakers-push-forward-with-plans-to-make-basic-features-subscription-services-despite-widespread-backlash/) - a bit too close what I have [published](/articles/digital-ownership/) earlier this week. - [First Operating System - Part One](http://wovenmemories.net/2023/10/30/First.Operating.System_Part.1.html) - a great article if you are interested in history of computers. - [Microsoft Outlook Blocking All Email from @tutanota.com Domain as Spam](https://tuta.com/blog/posts/outlook-falsely-marks-tutanota-emails-as-junk). The case is resolved, but what stands is a reminder to NOT use big corporate email if you care about internet at all. - [Apple admits to secretly giving governments push](https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/12/apple-admits-to-secretly-giving-governments-push-notification-data/) - this one is scary. We may try to maintain privacy, but as long as big tech is involved, the Big Brother is listening.