--- title: "Music Monday: Cradle of Filth - Her Ghost in the Fog" categories: - blog abstract: the second music monday with a special appearance of Ed Sheeran year: 2023 date: 2023-01-30T13:18:19+01:00 draft: false tags: - music-monday - Craddle-of-Filth - Ed-Sheeran --- *Every monday I will try to post some music, just to bright up someone's day. I stole this idea from [Ruben Schade](https://rubenerd.com/tag/music-monday/).* I am not a metalhead, but we all love Cradle of Filth. > Jen: 'Cradle Of Filth'? I presume that's a band. > > Richmond: Hmm. > > Jen: It's not literally a cradle of filth. > > Richmond: Ooh, no! That would be horrible! > > ([just an ordinary chat between coworkers](https://www.quotes.net/mquote/901936)) It turns out that "we all" incorporated Ed Sheeran, who is [recording](https://blabbermouth.net/news/it-looks-like-cradle-of-filths-collaboration-with-ed-sheeran-is-finally-taking-shape) an album with COF! {{}}