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new file mode 120000
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+mms@voyager.24577:1705180510 \ No newline at end of file
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index cc5012e..5434306 100644
--- a/content-org/
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@@ -148,21 +148,22 @@ The great thing about FIDO is that it, like Icomplete, uses Minibuffer API[fn:mi
[fn:minibuffer] [[][Guide on Minibuffer completition]]
-** TODO Introduction to Literate programming
+** DONE Introduction to Literate programming
+CLOSED: [2024-01-30 Tue 19:10]
:EXPORT_FILE_NAME: literate-programing-in-emacs
-:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: abstract A short intro into the idea of literate programing
+:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: abstract A short introduction into the idea of literate programming
:EXPORT_HUGO_MENU: :menu emacs-guides :name "Literate programing"
*** Abstract
-Here I give a short, theoretical introduction to the idea of Literate programing
+In this article I give a short, theoretical introduction to the idea of Literate programming
-*** Preface
+*** Introduction
-Literate programing is not a subject that comes out often, except if you are talking with an Emacs enthusiast.
-There is a signifcant chance, that most programmers don't even know the term.
+Literate programming is not a subject that comes out often, except if you are talking with an Emacs enthusiast.
+There is a significant chance that most programmers don't even know the term.
Let's fix that with a quote:
@@ -175,8 +176,8 @@ At the most casual level, a literate program should at least make its own workin
-- Christopher Lee[fn:lee]
-The idea is therefore an convertion of an entity out of which one can extract code or documentation.
-An semi-abstract in-between called "web[fn:web]".
+The idea is therefore a conversion of an entity out of which one can extract code or documentation.
+A semi-abstract in-between called "web[fn:web]".
The process of creating code is called "tangling", and generation of document is a "weave".
*** An example
@@ -208,24 +209,24 @@ And then we compile it
After the compilation finishes, add executable to your .xinit
+#+begin_src shell
echo "exec dwm" >> ~/.xinit
So yeah, it's a blog post.
-A blog post which one can exeute.
+A blog post which one can execute.
The example assumes shell, but the actual language can be anything.
We can /tangle/ C code without any problems.
-*** Literate programing
+*** Literate programming
-This is *not* the way we do programing.
-We smack spagetti code together, add a random sentence here and there, commit is as "bug fix" and voila!
+This is *not* the way we do programming.
+We smack spaghetti code together, add a random sentence here and there, commit is as "bug fix" and voilà!
In a few months no one knows what's going on.
Success, up to the next JIRA task.
-Very often code comments are treated as an harmful or (at best) a neccessar evil.
+Very often code comments are treated as an harmful or (at best) a necessary evil.
We think that code should be self-documenting.
And this is completely valid.
A developer needs to understand what given code does, just by reading it.
@@ -241,7 +242,7 @@ Since the code coexists with documentation, the reader gets the whole picture.
[fn:lee] [[]["Literate Programming -- Propaganda and Tools", Christopher Lee, 1997]]
[fn:babel] [[][Org Babel]]
[fn:jupyter] I know that Jupyter is not strictly a literate program, but it's close enough.
-[fn:web] the name was choosen, because at the time it was not in use ralated to computing.
+[fn:web] this name was choosen, because at the time it was not in use related to computing.
We're dealing with history here!
*** Conclusion
diff --git a/content/ b/content/
index cfa0144..9ea5555 100644
--- a/content/
+++ b/content/
@@ -23,13 +23,6 @@ Here are a few cool links:
More cool links can be found under [links](/links).
-### Contact
-I try not use social media except for YouTube. Therefore, you won't find me on Twitter, TikTok.
-**Email**: [](
-**Mastodon**: [](
### Causes
Some causes I support or believe in:
diff --git a/content/emacs/ b/content/emacs/
index 47a4666..6ad965c 100644
--- a/content/emacs/
+++ b/content/emacs/
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ author = ["Michał Sapka"]
date = 2023-06-02T23:00:00+02:00
categories = ["emacs"]
draft = false
-weight = 2003
+weight = 2004
abstract = "Setting up config inside an org file"
- weight = 2003
+ weight = 2004
identifier = "literate-configuration-of-elfeed"
parent = "elfeed"
name = "Literate configuration"
diff --git a/content/emacs/ b/content/emacs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8df4841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/emacs/
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+title = "Introduction to Literate programming"
+author = ["Michał Sapka"]
+date = 2024-01-30T19:10:00+01:00
+categories = ["emacs"]
+draft = false
+weight = 2002
+abstract = "A short introduction into the idea of literate programming"
+ [menu.emacs-guides]
+ weight = 2002
+ identifier = "introduction-to-literate-programming"
+ name = "Literate programing"
+## Abstract {#abstract}
+In this article I give a short, theoretical introduction to the idea of Literate programming
+## Introduction {#introduction}
+Literate programming is not a subject that comes out often, except if you are talking with an Emacs enthusiast.
+There is a significant chance that most programmers don't even know the term.
+Let's fix that with a quote:
+> Literate programming is an approach to programming which emphasises that programs should be written to be read by people as well as compilers.
+> From a purist standpoint, a program could be considered a publishable-quality document that argues mathematically for its own correctness.
+> A different approach is that a program could be a document that teaches programming to the reader through its own example.
+> A more casual approach to literate programming would be that a program should be documented at least well enough that someone could maintain the code properly and make informed changes in a reasonable amount of time without direct help from the author.
+> At the most casual level, a literate program should at least make its own workings plain to the author of the program so that at least the author can easily maintain the code over its lifetime.
+> -- Christopher Lee[^fn:1]
+The idea is therefore a conversion of an entity out of which one can extract code or documentation.
+A semi-abstract in-between called "web[^fn:2]".
+The process of creating code is called "tangling", and generation of document is a "weave".
+## An example {#an-example}
+Let's say we want to show the reader how to install DWM.
+We can create a document in a style:
+> DWM is a window manager that can be changed only via source code modification.
+> Here, we will fetch and compile it.
+> First, we need to download the tarball:
+> ```shell
+> wget
+> ```
+> then, simply extract it
+> ````shell
+> tar - xvzf dwm-6.4.tar.gz
+> ````
+> And then we compile it
+> `````shell
+> cd dwm-6.4
+> doas make clean install
+> `````
+> After the compilation finishes, add executable to your .xinit
+> ``````shell
+> echo "exec dwm" >> ~/.xinit
+> ``````
+So yeah, it's a blog post.
+A blog post which one can execute.
+The example assumes shell, but the actual language can be anything.
+We can _tangle_ C code without any problems.
+## Literate programming {#literate-programming}
+This is **not** the way we do programming.
+We smack spaghetti code together, add a random sentence here and there, commit is as "bug fix" and voilà!
+In a few months no one knows what's going on.
+Success, up to the next JIRA task.
+Very often code comments are treated as an harmful or (at best) a necessary evil.
+We think that code should be self-documenting.
+And this is completely valid.
+A developer needs to understand what given code does, just by reading it.
+If your function is so convoluted, nested and complicated that it's impossible to comprehend without a descriptive comment.
+But this is not the whole story.
+A function may be very simple, but there is always _context_ in which it is used.
+Literate Programming promotes telling story to the reader.
+You are free to do narration giving all extra info in one place.
+Since the code coexists with documentation, the reader gets the whole picture.
+## Conclusion {#conclusion}
+Now, this is not a generic fix for all programs.
+We work on massive systems with hundreds of intertwined, moving parts.
+It is impossible to create a cohesive narrative when the program jumps all over the place.
+Literate programing, however, found a different home.
+It is loved by scientists (just look at Jupyter Notebooks[^fn:3]) who use it for reproducible resarch.
+We, amongts Emacs crowed, use it extensively for literate configuration of our environments.
+It could be used for scripts, runbooks, debugging logs and so on.
+Wherever one can see a logical A, B and C points, we can explain the interconnections.
+You can learn more (including much better example) by reading the [original Knuth's paper](
+[^fn:1]: ["Literate Programming -- Propaganda and Tools", Christopher Lee, 1997](
+[^fn:2]: this name was choosen, because at the time it was not in use related to computing.
+ We're dealing with history here!
+[^fn:3]: I know that Jupyter is not strictly a literate program, but it's close enough. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/emacs/ b/content/emacs/
index a6925c2..f923ab5 100644
--- a/content/emacs/
+++ b/content/emacs/
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ author = ["Michał Sapka"]
date = 2023-05-19T23:00:00+02:00
categories = ["emacs"]
draft = false
-weight = 2002
+weight = 2003
abstract = "Setting up config inside an org file"
- weight = 2002
+ weight = 2003
identifier = "elfeed"
name = "Following RSS with Elfeed"
diff --git a/content/emacs/ b/content/emacs/
index f7a32e1..0a7cc29 100644
--- a/content/emacs/
+++ b/content/emacs/
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ author = ["Michał Sapka"]
date = 2023-07-03T23:00:00+02:00
categories = ["emacs"]
draft = false
-weight = 2004
+weight = 2005
abstract = "My email based workflow for GitHub Pull Review Requests"
- weight = 2004
+ weight = 2005
identifier = "managing-email-with-notmuch-and-emacs"
name = "Reading and automating email using Notmuch"
diff --git a/content/me/ b/content/me/
index 5720630..ed7bc23 100644
--- a/content/me/
+++ b/content/me/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-title: "GPG key"
+title: "Contact"
- me
- update
@@ -7,7 +7,15 @@ abstract: Ways to contact me
date: 2023-11-30T21:52:39+01:00
draft: false
-### GPG keys
+## Contact
+I try not use social media except for YouTube. Therefore, you won't find me on Twitter, TikTok.
+**Email**: [](
+**Mastodon**: [](
+## GPG keys
If you want, you can use my GPG key to validate signature (all emails from me should be signed) or to encrypt a message.
You can find the key [here](/mms.gpg).
diff --git a/layouts/_default/index.html b/layouts/_default/index.html
index 4df8057..7733a2c 100644
--- a/layouts/_default/index.html
+++ b/layouts/_default/index.html
@@ -2,6 +2,19 @@
Hey! I'm Michał Sapka, a computer programmer living in Kraków, Poland. This website is not dedicated to any particular one thing. Instead, I write whatever interests me most at the moment. No content here is auto-generated, so any bugs, problems, or controversies are entirely on me!
+<nav class="personal">
+ <a href="/me/contact/">Contact</a> //
+ <a href="/me/uses/">Uses<a> //
+ <a href="/about/">About<a> //
+ <a href="/links/">Links<a>
+ <a href="" target="_blank">
+ <img style="height:128px;margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;" src="" alt="Human-made Content">
+ </a>
<h2>Recent updates and publications </h2>
{{ range first 10
diff --git a/static/style.css b/static/style.css
index fc3e4cb..36cc172 100644
--- a/static/style.css
+++ b/static/style.css
@@ -304,6 +304,15 @@ article.article-abstract-list-item > a > aside {
/* article_list_end */
+/* index_start */
+nav.personal {
+nav.personal > a {
+ font-weight: bold;
+/* index_end */
/* legacy_code_start */
/* ---------- Main */