diff options
12 files changed, 205 insertions, 128 deletions
diff --git a/content-org/ b/content-org/
index 9176f3a..1e65069 100644
--- a/content-org/
+++ b/content-org/
@@ -7,13 +7,58 @@
+* DONE Daemonic BSD Site :@bsd:
+CLOSED: [2024-03-06 Wed 14:45]
+:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: abstract A site dedicated to BSD family of systems
+:EXPORT_HUGO_PAIRED_SHORTCODES: recent-updates menu img-r
+BSDs are a family of operating systems derivative from Berkley Standard Distribution.
+While not a popular as GNU/Linux, they are the defect descendants of the Unix Operating System.
+This site is dedicated to two of those systems: FreeBSD, and OpenBSD.
+Those are the systems I daily run on my personal computers and servers.
+And, while they come with significant problems, it's very easy to fall in love them.
+** FreeBSD
+#+attr_shortcode: "freebsd-beastie.png"
+Beastie, the BSD mascott
+#+attr_shortcode: "bsd-freebsd"
+*** FreeBSD on a Thinkpad X1 Extreme Gen2
+#+attr_shortcode: "bsd-thinkpad"
+** OpenBSD
+#+attr_shortcode: "openbsd.png"
+OpenBSD Logo
+#+attr_shortcode: "bsd-openbsd"
+** Varia
+#+attr_shortcode: "bsd-varia"
* OpenBSD :@bsd:
** DONE OpenBSD webstack: Relayd, Httpd and Acme-client
CLOSED: [2023-07-19 Mon 19:08]
:EXPORT_FILE_NAME: open-bsd-web-stack
:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: abstract How to setup the web server stack work?
-:EXPORT_HUGO_MENU: :menu bsd-openbsd :name "Webstack: Relayd, Httpd and Acme-Client"
+:EXPORT_HUGO_MENU: :menu bsd-openbsd :identifier "obsdweb" :name "Webstack: Relayd, Httpd and Acme-Client"
OpenBSD comes with three great tools out of the box:
- httpd(8) - an HTTP daemon
@@ -248,7 +293,7 @@ CLOSED: [2023-12-11 Mon 19:08]
:EXPORT_FILE_NAME: blocking-bad-bots-openbsd
:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: abstract How do I fight bad crawlers?
-:EXPORT_HUGO_MENU: :menu bsd-openbsd :name "Blocking bad bots using Relayd"
+:EXPORT_HUGO_MENU: :menu bsd-openbsd :parent "obsdweb" :name "Blocking bad bots using Relayd"
The bane of existence for most of small pages: web crawlers.
@@ -314,7 +359,7 @@ CLOSED: [2023-07-19 Mon 19:30]
:EXPORT_FILE_NAME: relayd-custom-webserver
:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: abstract How to forward request to webserver?
-:EXPORT_HUGO_MENU: :menu bsd-openbsd :name "Forwarding requests from Relayd to a custom webserver"
+:EXPORT_HUGO_MENU: :menu bsd-openbsd :parent "obsdweb" :name "Forwarding requests from Relayd to a custom webserver"
One thing that OpenBSD doesn't provide (yet?) is an HTTP proxy.
I use [[][[Plausible]][fn:nope] for basic visitor analytics [fn:privacy] here, and one of the cool things you can do is to break all adblockers via serving Plausible from my own domain[fn:adblock]
@@ -377,7 +422,7 @@ CLOSED: [2023-07-19 Mon 22:47]
:EXPORT_FILE_NAME: moved-to-openbsd
:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: abstract A short info on OpenBSD Amsterdam
-:EXPORT_HUGO_MENU: :menu bsd-openbsd :name "Forwarding requests from Relayd to a custom webserver"
+:EXPORT_HUGO_MENU: :menu bsd-openbsd :name "Moved to OpenBSD"
@@ -616,73 +661,12 @@ Our tinfoil friends will be proud of us.
:EXPORT_HUGO_SECTION: bsd/thinkpad
-** DONE FreeBSD: Fixing ThinkPad X1 Wifi
-CLOSED: [2023-08-03 Mon 21:40]
-:EXPORT_FILE_NAME: fixing-thinkpad-x1-wifi-on-freebsd
-:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: abstract replacing a wificard fixes everything
-:EXPORT_HUGO_MENU: :menu bsd-thinkpad :name "Fixing WiFi for good"
-As much as I like FreeBSD, my laptop has mostly sat dormant for the last few weeks.
-It rocked an AX200, an excellent WiFi adapter unless you want to use it in FreeBSD.
-There were three reasons for this, with one primary cause:
-1. WiFi speeds up to WiFi 2,
-2. inability of the system to resume after suspend
-3. occasional kernel panics
-Long story short[fn:wifiart], the firmware is yet to be properly reverse-engineered, and the card is still unsupported[fn:lies].
-The team can't simply copy the Linux driver due to BSD/GPL license incompabilities[fn:openbsd], so the work needs to continue.
-Luckily, ThinkPads are still good laptops, and the card was not soldered.
-So, there was a way: buy a better-supported card and just replace it.
-Unfortunately, Lenovo is not a good company.
-You can't simply buy any random card matching the port and be sure it will work.
-The BIOS has a whitelist of supported hardware, and if it detects anything outside of this list, the machine won't boot.
-Lenovo's support proved itself useless.
-I tried to contact them and get the list of whitelisted WiFi adapters, but at first, they had no idea what am I talking about, and when we finally got on the same page, they started to ignore me.
-After a few nags met with silence, I just gave up and ordered a used [[][Intel AC 9260]].
-Have I mentioned that ThinkPads are still good devices? Replacing the WiFi adapter was sparkly[fn:spark] but easy.
-Just pop the two antenna connectors, unscrew a single screw, remove the card, and do the same in reverse for the new one. Try to do that with a MacBook![fn:battery]
-#+attr_shortcode: "intel-ac9260.jpg"
-Sitting and working nicely
-Then, with a single reinstall[^reinstall] of the system, everything started working.
-I'm still limited to WiFi 2, but it works over 5GHz.
-It's a small problem because my system can finally suspend and resume.
-I no longer need to power off/power on all the time because it's no longer necessary.
-I no longer need to be annoyed by the booting speed[fn:systemd] because it will no longer be a constant sight for me.
-I also have a (not backed by any analysis) feeling that the laptop runs colder.
-With this, I am now a two BSD[fn:golang] guy: [[/2023/moved-to-openbsd][OpenBSD]] on the server and FreeBSD on the computer.
-Why not go fully into one?
-Mostly, BSDs are cool, and it's nice to get to know each other.
-But also each of them has its strengths and weaknesses.
-OpenBSD is secure, has httpd/relayd and modern PF[fn:pf] but a smaller number of ported software, no ZFS, and finding answers on the information highway is more difficult.
-For a server, those are non-issues, as I have no intention of installing random crap there.
-But for my computer, I want to experiment more.
-I will break the system so ZFS will be a great addition. And having more applications ready to =pkg install= will make it this much nicer.
-[fn:spark] don't be a moron like me and disable the internal battery in BIOS before randomly poking the motherboard with a metal screwdriver.
-[fn:battery] or with battery. I'm replacing mine in a few days. If I went with Apple, I would need to go to a service station as my ungluing skills are nonexistent.
-[fn:wifiart] Vide [FreeBSD on modern Intel WiFi cards and resume](/2023/freebsd-on-modern-intel-wifi-cards-and-resume/)
-[fn:lies] technically [it is](, but no real use case is feasable.
-[fn:openbsd] The OpenBSD team had no such problems, and the drivers are downloaded during installation and work out of the box.
-[fn:reinstall] I'm a simple bare metal guy and was toying with OpenBSD. I don't know if a reinstall would be required if I had a working FreeBSD.
-[fn:systemd] Which is one of the few good things about [systemd](
-[fn:golang] I could have learned to Go, but I chose a totally unmarketable skill for a programmer. I think it makes it even cooler.
-[fn:pf] I am currently reading /[[][[The Book of PF]]/ so I can have any benefit. Great book. Would recommend.
** DONE FreeBSD: Review of Thinkpad Extreme G2
CLOSED: [2023-02-25 Mon 22:30]
:EXPORT_FILE_NAME: freebsd-on-thinkpad-x1-extreme-g2
:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: abstract it works, but there are drawbacks
-:EXPORT_HUGO_MENU: :menu bsd-thinkpad :name "Review"
+:EXPORT_HUGO_MENU: :menu bsd-thinkpad :name "Impressions, Instalation and problems"
My wife got a new computer, so I can easily break my laptop whenever I want - so it's time for FreeBSD!
@@ -766,6 +750,68 @@ For personal servers, however, I see no way of abandoning BSD.
- 2023-02-04: [[/2023/freebsd-configuring-nvidia-and-xorg-on-thinkpad-x1-extreme-g2][Configuring NVIDIA]].
- 2023-03-15: [[/2023/freebsd-on-modern-intel-wifi-cards-and-resume][Problems with WiFi after resume]]
+** DONE FreeBSD: Fixing ThinkPad X1 Wifi
+CLOSED: [2023-08-03 Mon 21:40]
+:EXPORT_FILE_NAME: fixing-thinkpad-x1-wifi-on-freebsd
+:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: abstract replacing a wificard fixes everything
+:EXPORT_HUGO_MENU: :menu bsd-thinkpad :name "Fixing WiFi for good"
+As much as I like FreeBSD, my laptop has mostly sat dormant for the last few weeks.
+It rocked an AX200, an excellent WiFi adapter unless you want to use it in FreeBSD.
+There were three reasons for this, with one primary cause:
+1. WiFi speeds up to WiFi 2,
+2. inability of the system to resume after suspend
+3. occasional kernel panics
+Long story short[fn:wifiart], the firmware is yet to be properly reverse-engineered, and the card is still unsupported[fn:lies].
+The team can't simply copy the Linux driver due to BSD/GPL license incompabilities[fn:openbsd], so the work needs to continue.
+Luckily, ThinkPads are still good laptops, and the card was not soldered.
+So, there was a way: buy a better-supported card and just replace it.
+Unfortunately, Lenovo is not a good company.
+You can't simply buy any random card matching the port and be sure it will work.
+The BIOS has a whitelist of supported hardware, and if it detects anything outside of this list, the machine won't boot.
+Lenovo's support proved itself useless.
+I tried to contact them and get the list of whitelisted WiFi adapters, but at first, they had no idea what am I talking about, and when we finally got on the same page, they started to ignore me.
+After a few nags met with silence, I just gave up and ordered a used [[][Intel AC 9260]].
+Have I mentioned that ThinkPads are still good devices? Replacing the WiFi adapter was sparkly[fn:spark] but easy.
+Just pop the two antenna connectors, unscrew a single screw, remove the card, and do the same in reverse for the new one. Try to do that with a MacBook![fn:battery]
+#+attr_shortcode: "intel-ac9260.jpg"
+Sitting and working nicely
+Then, with a single reinstall[^reinstall] of the system, everything started working.
+I'm still limited to WiFi 2, but it works over 5GHz.
+It's a small problem because my system can finally suspend and resume.
+I no longer need to power off/power on all the time because it's no longer necessary.
+I no longer need to be annoyed by the booting speed[fn:systemd] because it will no longer be a constant sight for me.
+I also have a (not backed by any analysis) feeling that the laptop runs colder.
+With this, I am now a two BSD[fn:golang] guy: [[/2023/moved-to-openbsd][OpenBSD]] on the server and FreeBSD on the computer.
+Why not go fully into one?
+Mostly, BSDs are cool, and it's nice to get to know each other.
+But also each of them has its strengths and weaknesses.
+OpenBSD is secure, has httpd/relayd and modern PF[fn:pf] but a smaller number of ported software, no ZFS, and finding answers on the information highway is more difficult.
+For a server, those are non-issues, as I have no intention of installing random crap there.
+But for my computer, I want to experiment more.
+I will break the system so ZFS will be a great addition. And having more applications ready to =pkg install= will make it this much nicer.
+[fn:spark] don't be a moron like me and disable the internal battery in BIOS before randomly poking the motherboard with a metal screwdriver.
+[fn:battery] or with battery. I'm replacing mine in a few days. If I went with Apple, I would need to go to a service station as my ungluing skills are nonexistent.
+[fn:wifiart] Vide [FreeBSD on modern Intel WiFi cards and resume](/2023/freebsd-on-modern-intel-wifi-cards-and-resume/)
+[fn:lies] technically [it is](, but no real use case is feasable.
+[fn:openbsd] The OpenBSD team had no such problems, and the drivers are downloaded during installation and work out of the box.
+[fn:reinstall] I'm a simple bare metal guy and was toying with OpenBSD. I don't know if a reinstall would be required if I had a working FreeBSD.
+[fn:systemd] Which is one of the few good things about [systemd](
+[fn:golang] I could have learned to Go, but I chose a totally unmarketable skill for a programmer. I think it makes it even cooler.
+[fn:pf] I am currently reading /[[][[The Book of PF]]/ so I can have any benefit. Great book. Would recommend.
** DONE FreeBSD: Switching Between Speakers and Headphones
CLOSED: [2023-03-16 Mon 23:02]
@@ -1114,7 +1160,7 @@ It's a great system, just needs a lot of work on hardware support :-)
It's more than I anticipated. That post was small and written without any deeper research. But the discussion around it makes me believe that I hit something real.
-** TODO XMPP (Jabber) server on OpenBSD
+** TODO OpenBSD: XMPP (Jabber) server
*** Installing prosody
#+BEGIN_SRC shell
@@ -1149,3 +1195,4 @@ prosodyctl check connectivity
- android
- ios
*** Modern XMPP
+** TODO BSD and Linux
diff --git a/content-org/ b/content-org/
index 157edec..9d69e0e 100644
--- a/content-org/
+++ b/content-org/
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ The following is a short list of things I do /right now/.
*** Watching
- [[][Star Trek Voyager]] season 5 [since since 2023-02-11; series since 2021-05-28]
*** Playing
-- [[][Persona 5 Strikers]] [since Dec 2023]​
+- Yahuza 0 [since 2024-02-25]
- [[][Nethack]] [since 2024-02-01]​
*** Reading
- [[][Absolute FreeBSD]] [since Dec 2023]​
@@ -39,18 +39,19 @@ Starts in February 2024
Rating is in a scale 1-5.
-| Title | Type | Dates | Rating | Extra |
-| Weekend at Bernie's (1989) | Movie | 2024-01-13 - 2024-02-27 | 3.75 | rewatch |
-| [[][3rd Rock from the Sun]] [season 2] | TV Series | 2024-01-13 - 2024-02-26 | 3.25 | rewatch |
-| Colossus: The Forbin Project (1970) | Movie | 2024-02-24 | 4.24 | [[/blog/2024/colossus-1970/][review]] |
-| Lawmower Man 2 (1992) | Movie | 2024-02-22 | 2 (3.75) | rewatch, [[/blog/2024/lawmower-man-2-1996/][review]] |
-| Lawmower Man (1992) | Movie | 2024-02-17 | 3.0 | rewatch, [[/blog/2024/lawmower-man-1229/][review]] |
-| Hardware (1990) | Movie | 2024-02-15 | 3.5 | [[/blog/2024/hardware-1990/][review]] |
-| Terry Pratchett's [[][Interesting Times]] | Novel | 2024-01-31 - 2024-02-11 | 3.75 | [[/blog/2024/interesting-times/][review]] |
-| Ghost in the Machine (1993) | Movie | 2024-02-09 | 3.0 | [[/blog/2024/ghost-in-the-machine/][review]] |
-| [[][Jujutsu Kaisen]] [season 2] | Anime Series | 2024-01-01 - 2024-02-06 | 4.24 | |
+| Title | Type | Dates | Rating | Extra |
+| Weekend at Bernie's (1989) | Movie | 2024-01-13 - 2024-02-27 | 3.75 | rewatch |
+| [[][Persona 5 Strikers]] | Computer game | 2023-12-01 - 2024-02-25 | 2 | dropped 10 hours in |
+| [[][3rd Rock from the Sun]] [season 2] | TV Series | 2024-01-13 - 2024-02-26 | 3.25 | rewatch |
+| Colossus: The Forbin Project (1970) | Movie | 2024-02-24 | 4.24 | [[/blog/2024/colossus-1970/][review]] |
+| Lawmower Man 2 (1992) | Movie | 2024-02-22 | 2 (3.75) | rewatch, [[/blog/2024/lawmower-man-2-1996/][review]] |
+| Lawmower Man (1992) | Movie | 2024-02-17 | 3.0 | rewatch, [[/blog/2024/lawmower-man-1229/][review]] |
+| Hardware (1990) | Movie | 2024-02-15 | 3.5 | [[/blog/2024/hardware-1990/][review]] |
+| Terry Pratchett's [[][Interesting Times]] | Novel | 2024-01-31 - 2024-02-11 | 3.75 | [[/blog/2024/interesting-times/][review]] |
+| Ghost in the Machine (1993) | Movie | 2024-02-09 | 3.0 | [[/blog/2024/ghost-in-the-machine/][review]] |
+| [[][Jujutsu Kaisen]] [season 2] | Anime Series | 2024-01-01 - 2024-02-06 | 4.24 | |
** Future
diff --git a/content/bsd/ b/content/bsd/
index cea9839..51ed5ec 100644
--- a/content/bsd/
+++ b/content/bsd/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ abstract = "How do I fight bad crawlers?"
weight = 2002
identifier = "openbsd-blocking-bad-bots-using-relayd"
+ parent = "obsdweb"
name = "Blocking bad bots using Relayd"
diff --git a/content/bsd/ b/content/bsd/
index 1be664c..0ba4129 100644
--- a/content/bsd/
+++ b/content/bsd/
@@ -1,37 +1,51 @@
-title: "Daemonic BSD Site"
-category: bsd
-type: special
-date: 2023-11-28T21:31:39+01:00
-draft: false
-hardback: yes
-Since at least a year, I've been a BSD type of a guy. My personal laptop is running on FreeBSD and this site is hosted on an OpenBSD server.
-### Recent Daemonic site updates
-{{<recent-updates bsd-update>}}
-## Table of Contents
-- FreeBSD desktop
- - [Early thoughts](/bsd/early-freebsd-thoughts)
- - [WiFi on modern Intel cards](/bsd/freebsd-on-modern-intel-wifi-cards-and-resume)
- - [FreeBSD won't improve unless people are using it](/bsd/desktop-freebsd-wont-improve-unless-people-are-using-it)
- - [13.2 broke my resume](/bsd/freebsd-13-2-was-released-and-broke-my-resume)
- - [First time the ZFS saved me](/bsd/first-time-the-zfs-saved-me)
- - [Jails examples](/bsd/jails-usage-examples) [new]
-- FreeBSD on ThinkPad X1 Extreme G2
- - [General overview](/bsd/thinkpad/freebsd-on-thinkpad-x1-extreme-g2)
- - [Fixing Resume](/bsd/thinkpad/fixing-resume-on-thinkpad-x1-extreme-g2-on-freebsd)
- - [Configuring NVidia and Xorg](/bsd/thinkpad/freebsd-configuring-nvidia-and-xorg-on-thinkpad-x1-extreme-g2)
- - [Switching between speakers and headphones](/bsd/thinkpad/switching-between-speakers-and-headphones-on-freebsd)
- - [Fixing WiFi by replacing card](/bsd/thinkpad/fixing-thinkpad-x1-wifi-on-freebsd)
-- OpenBSD server
- - [Webstack - Httpd(8), Relayd(8)](/bsd/open-bsd-web-stack/)
- - [Blocking bad bots and crawlers](/bsd/blocking-bad-bots-openbsd/)
- - [Forwarding request to a webserver](/bsd/relayd-custom-webserver)
- - [OpenBSD Amsterdam](/bsd/moved-to-openbsd/)
+title = "Daemonic BSD Site"
+author = ["Michał Sapka"]
+date = 2024-03-06T14:45:00+01:00
+categories = ["bsd"]
+draft = false
+weight = 1001
+abstract = "A site dedicated to BSD family of systems"
+BSDs are a family of operating systems derivative from Berkley Standard Distribution.
+While not a popular as GNU/Linux, they are the defect descendants of the Unix Operating System.
+This site is dedicated to two of those systems: FreeBSD, and OpenBSD.
+Those are the systems I daily run on my personal computers and servers.
+And, while they come with significant problems, it's very easy to fall in love them.
+## FreeBSD {#freebsd}
+{{< img-r "freebsd-beastie.png" >}}
+Beastie, the BSD mascott
+{{< /img-r >}}
+{{< menu "bsd-freebsd" >}}
+{{< /menu >}}
+### FreeBSD on a Thinkpad X1 Extreme Gen2 {#freebsd-on-a-thinkpad-x1-extreme-gen2}
+{{< menu "bsd-thinkpad" >}}
+{{< /menu >}}
+## OpenBSD {#openbsd}
+{{< img-r "openbsd.png" >}}
+OpenBSD Logo
+{{< /img-r >}}
+{{< menu "bsd-openbsd" >}}
+{{< /menu >}}
+## Varia {#varia}
+{{< menu "bsd-varia" >}}
+{{< /menu >}}
diff --git a/content/bsd/ b/content/bsd/
index a703799..bdd1b02 100644
--- a/content/bsd/
+++ b/content/bsd/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ abstract = "A short info on OpenBSD Amsterdam"
weight = 2004
identifier = "openbsd-live-from-openbsd-in-amsterdam"
- name = "Forwarding requests from Relayd to a custom webserver"
+ name = "Moved to OpenBSD"
This site, in its infancy, was running Debian on Linode.
diff --git a/content/bsd/ b/content/bsd/
index 8a6fc82..8e7b38e 100644
--- a/content/bsd/
+++ b/content/bsd/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ abstract = "How to setup the web server stack work?"
weight = 2001
- identifier = "openbsd-webstack-relayd-httpd-and-acme-client"
+ identifier = "obsdweb"
name = "Webstack: Relayd, Httpd and Acme-Client"
diff --git a/content/bsd/ b/content/bsd/
index 605788b..0a5de64 100644
--- a/content/bsd/
+++ b/content/bsd/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ abstract = "How to forward request to webserver?"
weight = 2003
identifier = "openbsd-forwarding-requests-from-relayd-to-a-custom-webserver"
+ parent = "obsdweb"
name = "Forwarding requests from Relayd to a custom webserver"
diff --git a/content/bsd/thinkpad/ b/content/bsd/thinkpad/
index cd9c804..e196d09 100644
--- a/content/bsd/thinkpad/
+++ b/content/bsd/thinkpad/
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ author = ["Michał Sapka"]
date = 2023-08-03T21:40:00+02:00
categories = ["bsd"]
draft = false
-weight = 2001
+weight = 2002
abstract = "replacing a wificard fixes everything"
- weight = 2001
+ weight = 2002
identifier = "freebsd-fixing-thinkpad-x1-wifi"
name = "Fixing WiFi for good"
diff --git a/content/bsd/thinkpad/ b/content/bsd/thinkpad/
index 9a96997..627a00a 100644
--- a/content/bsd/thinkpad/
+++ b/content/bsd/thinkpad/
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ author = ["Michał Sapka"]
date = 2023-02-25T22:30:00+01:00
categories = ["bsd"]
draft = false
-weight = 2002
+weight = 2001
abstract = "it works, but there are drawbacks"
- weight = 2002
+ weight = 2001
identifier = "freebsd-review-of-thinkpad-extreme-g2"
- name = "Review"
+ name = "Impressions, Instalation and problems"
My wife got a new computer, so I can easily break my laptop whenever I want - so it's time for FreeBSD!
diff --git a/layouts/_default/baseof.html b/layouts/_default/baseof.html
index 4745cd7..fb77bf2 100644
--- a/layouts/_default/baseof.html
+++ b/layouts/_default/baseof.html
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
{{ $section_class = "site-info" }}
{{ else if in .Page.Params.categories "site" }}
{{ $section_class = "site-info" }}
- {{ else if in .Page.Params.category "bsd" }}
+ {{ else if in .Page.Params.categories "bsd" }}
{{ $section_class = "bsd" }}
{{ else if in .Page.Params.categories "blog" }}
{{ $section_class = "blog" }}
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
<body class="{{ $section_class }}">
<div class="logo">
- {{ if in .Page.Params.category "bsd" }}
+ {{ if in .Page.Params.categories "bsd" }}
{{ $logo := resources.Get "logos/logo-beastie-white.svg"}}
<img src="{{$logo.RelPermalink}}" class="beastie">
{{ else if in .Page.Params.categories "star-trek" }}
diff --git a/layouts/partials/back_nav.html b/layouts/partials/back_nav.html
index 2f81cfd..ceb0813 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/back_nav.html
+++ b/layouts/partials/back_nav.html
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<a href="/site/">&larr; Back to Site Info</a>
{{- else if in .Page.Params.Categories "site" }}
<a href="/site/">&larr; Back to Site Info</a>
-{{- else if in .Page.Params.Category "bsd" }}
+{{- else if in .Page.Params.Categories "bsd" }}
<a href="/bsd/">&larr; Back to Daemonic BSD Site</a>
{{- else if in .Page.Params.Categories "blog" }}
<a href="/blog/">&larr; Back to Michal's blog</a>
diff --git a/static/style.css b/static/style.css
index 6889783..ab6878e 100644
--- a/static/style.css
+++ b/static/style.css
@@ -58,6 +58,11 @@
--bsd-highlight-color: #ab2b28;
--bsd-logo-bg-color: var(--bsd-highlight-color);
--bsd-h1-color: var(--bsd-highlight-color);
+ --bsd-h1-color: var(--bsd-highlight-color);
+ --bsd-h2-color: var(--bsd-highlight-color);
+ --bsd-h3-color: var(--bsd-highlight-color);
+ --bsd-h4-color: var(--bsd-highlight-color);
+ --bsd-h5-color: var(--bsd-highlight-color);
/* bsd_variables_end */
@@ -79,7 +84,7 @@
--emacs-h4-color: var(--emacs-highlight-color);
--emacs-h5-color: var(--emacs-highlight-color);
-/* blog_variables_end */
+/* emacs_variables_end */
/* dark_mode_variables_end */
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
@@ -402,6 +407,14 @@ body.emacs h6 { color: var(--emacs-h2-color); border-color: var(--emacs-h2-color
/* emacs_article_end */
+/* bss_article_start */
+body.bsd h2 { color: var(--bsd-h2-color); border-color: var(--bsd-h2-color) }
+body.bsd h3 { color: var(--bsd-h2-color); border-color: var(--bsd-h2-color) }
+body.bsd h4 { color: var(--bsd-h2-color); border-color: var(--bsd-h2-color) }
+body.bsd h5 { color: var(--bsd-h2-color); border-color: var(--bsd-h2-color) }
+body.bsd h6 { color: var(--bsd-h2-color); border-color: var(--bsd-h2-color) }
+/* emacs_article_end */
blockquote {
border: 0;
border-left: 3px;